The Hiding Place - Book Review
Reviewed by: Shanea Rinn
Author: Corrie Ten Boom with John and Elizabeth Sherrill
Readability Age Range: YA to Adult (16 +)

Book Summary
"At one time Corrie ten Boom would have laughed at the idea that there would ever be a story to tell. For the first fifty years of her life nothing at all out of the ordinary had ever happened to her. She was an old-maid watchmaker living contentedly with her spinster sister and their elderly father in the tiny Dutch house over their shop. Their uneventful days, as regulated as their own watches, revolved around their abiding love for one another. However, with the Nazi invasion and occupation of Holland, a story did ensue.
Corrie ten Boom and her family became leaders in the Dutch Underground, hiding Jewish people in their home in a specially built room and aiding their escape from the Nazis. For their help, all but Corrie found death in a concentration camp. The Hiding Place is their story."
My Review
This true story has had a very special place in my heart since I first read it as a teenager. Corrie's story of her every day life suddenly getting up-ended by danger and the ultimatum to either comply, or choose to do what is right - it struck a chord with me.
Christian / Religious theme / Moral
This is Christian Non- Fiction written with a Christian's worldview. The themes range from the sovereignty of God, redemption, doing what is right in the face of danger, peace through tribulation, and forgiveness,
Character/s Quality
Since this is a non-fictional story, we are learning about real people and not just imaginary characters. Everything is raw, real and relatable. Corrie does not shy away from telling the honest truth either good or bad.
Her life reflects her faith in Jesus Christ and her ultimate goal to please and follow Him. Thus, that is what drives her world view for this story which is so gripping, and inspiring. You will see God's amazing power through her personal story as He does a work in Corrie, her sister, her father, and how it affects those around them.
Violence / Fear / Gore / Horror
This is another story about one of the most horrific times in history the world has ever seen: The Holocaust. So there is violence, horror, and some disturbing content.
However, I must say that as far as books about this subject go, this is one of the milder I have read. Even more so that Joel C Rosenberg's "Escape from Auschwitz" which we reviewed on our blog not long ago. Corrie Ten Boom is noticeably careful, and obviously leaves out some details that no doubt she witnessed.
Her goal is not to disturb you, but tell an accurate account of what took place with the ultimate goal of showing you how God's hand was there with them, even in the "deepest pit."
There are no scenes of descripted rape. Once or twice it is mentioned that it has happened, but nothing is described in detail in that respect.
As we know with history, we know that the Nazi's often humiliated their prisoners by making them strip down for inspection. This also happens in this book.
We kept the age range at 16 + for this book due to subject matter. I do not recommend it for sensitive readers as some parts could be rather disturbing.
We try to be completely honest about content because we care about the Table of your Heart.
Fantasy / Magic
There is no fantasy or magic in this series.
Corrie and her sister are spinsters of the 1940s. They were never married. Corrie does tell some of her backstory of how she was in love with someone, but everything is simple, super clean, and always points back towards God's hand in her life.
There are no swear words, or cuss words in the book. There are mentions that Nazi guards would scream obscenities. But no-where does she relate what was actually said.
Final Thoughts
I try to very objectional and unbiased with reviews to give you an accurate view of the content.
But this is one that I cannot help but be biased towards. It has to be one of the top favorite books I have ever read, and the copy I have is wearing out.
Some people shy away from reading about this time in history because it scares and disturbs them. And I understand that. But if you never read any other book about this, at least read this one!
It has helped my heart in so many ways that I cannot explain. The absolutely, hair raising accounts of what God does for Corrie and her sister, sends chills down my spine just writing this review. This is a story of HOPE! And it gives me hope, and faith to know that if I ever have to face hard times, Jesus will NEVER leave me, and that HE will be my strength.
Where can I find these books?
This series is available individually across many different book stores. It is available as a softcover, hardcover, kindle edition, and audiobook. A few of the book stores include Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Christian
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