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Get A Book Review!

Would you love Tables of the Heart to review your story on the blog, email list and across social media?

We are ALWAYS eager to get our hands on the next GREAT story to recommend to our audience, and we would be so excited to take a look at yours!


A book review will cost you nothing but the cost of shipping and the book you send to us to review.


Each book review gets a thorough read, and a professional image taken of the book. A blog post review is then written, and shared to our email list, and across our social media platforms including, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.


We also accept digital, kindle or e-reader copies for review, but will require an image of your book cover to be sent to us to aid in your review.


If you are interested, leave your information below, and if we feel its a good fit, we will get back to you with an address for you to send a copy of your book to!




We are on the lookout for clean, wholesome fiction to recommend to our audience. Preferably Christian, but there are some books that do not claim Christianity, yet are clean, wholesome, and have good morals.


These we will accept as long as they fall under our guidelines.


But there are some types of content, Christian or not, that we will reject outright and not review. Our guidelines have been set in place with the desires of our audience in mind, and the standards that we personally hold to in our vision for Tables of the Heart.


That is not to scare you away however! We are not sitting on this end with an axe ready to hack your book to pieces. We just want you to be aware, and not get any unpleasant surprises if we can help it!


To avoid hurt feelings, and general drama, we encourage you to take a look at our posts linked directly below so that you will know straightforward whether your book will be a good fit for Tables of the Heart, or not.


"How We Review - Our Mindset"

"How We Review Books at Tables of the Heart."


And if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out and ask! We are very easy going, and would love to help you if we can!

Apply for a Review

How did you hear about us?
Woud your story be considered Christian Fiction?
Choose your Book's Medum

Thanks for applying!We’ll get back to you soon.

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  Christian homeschool mothers, wives, writers, and aspiring authors from Alberta, Canada! Our passion is to provide clean, wholesome fiction for young adults, and children, and to inspire you to do the same!

Books decoration for Rinn & Rose blog, Tables of the Heart.

A Writers Blog  

Tables Of The Heart

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