The Faith to Let Go - Jochebed's Faith
It seems we are running to the ballot boxes more and more now-days.
But instead of voting in favor of our pocketbook and financial future, I see the consternation on the faces, and in the voices of parents as we are now fighting for much more.
Our children.

I see the concern all over social media, in the church, and even generally in the world. There's a real fight happening now.
Most of us have heard stories of bad times but we hoped they would never come our way.
The political overreach has begun to step over the line into our family's lives. They want to dictate what we should, and shouldn't believe. What we should and shouldn't teach, and whether or not we as parents have the right to teach our children at all!
All based upon "political correctness".
Or at least that's the guise. Behind it all is the Devil. The roaring lion. And he wants nothing more than to use people he has already corrupted to destroy the family. Destroy our children. And to destroy precious souls.
When looking at the open threats coming down from our leaders, and what agendas they intend to try and push, openly coming after our kids; I know if they could, they would take them from me.
I would love to say that hard times will never come. That our children will always be protected, and never exposed to the things we desperately are trying to protect them from.
But when I read my Bible, I know that protection from those things isn't always granted by God. I know there is no guarantee.
And while I will do everything I can, and fight with everything I've got, I'm not invincible.
I feel pretty helpless sometimes. I fall to my knees in tears begging God to spare my kids. To allow me to keep them.

So how do we move forward in this depressing conversation? Is it all hopeless? Do we sit in fear waiting for what could happen?
Dear mother. It isn't hopeless. We walk by faith, not by sight.
I came across this quote one day:
"Hold everything in your hands lightly, otherwise it hurts when God pries your fingers open." - Corrie Ten Boom
This is a level of trust I don't pretend to have attained to. The thought of losing my kids to a corrupt system where they will take them and ruin them makes my stomach literally sick.
But then one day, God allowed me to see Jochebed.

I've known the story of baby Moses since I was a little girl. The threat of Pharaoh, the basket of bulrushes, the cry of a baby boy, and how Pharaoh's daughter found him, and adopted him as her own.
But I rarely considered Moses's mother. The pain she must have felt. The horror of letting him go into the river. And yet, she had faith to completely trust him to God's hands, when she couldn't hide him anymore.
And then with awe, it struck me.
She had to let him go TWICE!
God rewarded her faith, and saved Moses's life, even allowing her to have her son again for a short time.
But even during that precious time, she knew she would have to let him go. Again.
And this time it wasn't the threat of his death, by soldiers, or river crocodiles that she had to face.
This time she was going to have to give him up to a heathen home. A home that worshiped pagan gods, partook in immoral, disgusting, reprobate practices.
They wouldn't teach him about her God. They wouldn't lead him in the way that was right. They would attempt to corrupt him; to make good evil and evil good, and give him over to the Devil, just like they were.
And she had to let him go. To that.
I can imagine the sick pit she felt. The fear, and the pain.
But she knew one thing. And that was that Moses's future was never in her hands. She believed by faith that Moses belonged to God, and that God would always watch over him. No matter if she was there to guide him or not.
And so she let him go. Not to the hands of the world. Not to the hands of Pharaoh's daughter.
She let him go into God's hands.
The Bible never indicates that Moses ever saw her again. She had to completely let go.
That's hard. That's so hard.
But look at what God did because of her faith!!!
If Jochebed had not let him go, he would have never become the man that God made him to be.
He would never have led Israel out of Egypt.
He would have never received God's law on top of Mount Sinai.
Israel would have never crossed that desert and made it to the promise land.
He would never have been the inspiration for so many stories of faith, and lessons that we have learned from that time.
The blood of the lamb on the door posts! The passing over because of the BLOOD ! All a picture of what Jesus Christ would one day do for us!
All this happened because of one woman's faith and trust in God.
Mama, this is all SO MUCH bigger than us. GOD HAS A PLAN.
And so, we take each moment one day at a time. Thanking God for every freedom, for every protection, and redeeming the time now. We vote with our core beliefs at the forefront. We do all we can with what God has put in our hands. We thank Him for each moment: every day he had given us with our kids.
Trusting and knowing that they always have been, and always will be, GODS.
Do I mean to just let them go into the hands of those who want to corrupt them? NO! That is not what I am saying. I believe we as parents must do ALL in our power to protect and keep them from the evil one and the corruption of the world.
But in Jochebed's case she had done all she could. She was at the end of the rope. There was no recourse.
I pray that God will never let it come to this. And I do believe that the feelings of our hearts affect Him deeply. He knows our sorrows, and fears.
The Bible says He doth not willingly afflict, nor grieve the children of men. (Lamentations 3:33)
He feels our pain.
But whatever happens is for the best. For the best of us, for the best of our children, and according to the BIGGER PLAN that only God can see.
I hope this post encouraged you. We have no guarantee of the future. But we do serve a GREAT GOD who loves us and our children more than we can ever imagine. We don't need to despair.
Let's trust Him with our kids.
Did this post help you? Encourage you and inspire you? I know when God showed me this it really helped me! Let me know in the comments. I'd love to chat!