Marketing Your Novel With Us - The Four Things We Do For Authors.
Do you write Christian Fiction?
Have you finished your novel and are ready to share it with the world?
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is a huge feat! Be sure to take some time to celebrate before you tackle your next big feat.
Because it's a big one:
Marketing your novel

You’ve spent the time and money to get your book this far, and now you’re holding the completed copy: A cover and a couple hundred pages that come from your heart.
There’s a message you want to share with the world. But how does a book go from your mind, to the multitudes beyond? How to market your novel in an already flooded arena?
Getting proper publicity for any novel is difficult. Regardless of the genre.
For new authors, the world of marketing your novel is confusing enough! But whether you are self published, or if you've gone the traditionally published route, you want your book to rise in popularity and get noticed by your target audience, right?
To us, the success of a book is not directly related to sales. Our readers matter to us, and it would mean a lot if it inspired just a few people. But who wouldn't want more publicity? More eyes on our books, and more inspired readers?
That's the dream.
A paycheck for all the hard effort? That's the cherry on the top. It just makes it all the more rewarding!
My post today is not going into the in's and out's of the publishing and marketing world.
Instead I wanted to focus on how we, at Tables of the Heart, can help you with just a small part of that whole book marketing strategy.
So what do we do for you?

We offer five things to benefit our fellow writers and authors. Book reviews, author spotlights, book spotlights, and mentions of upcoming and new releases!
Book reviews
If your book fits what we love - clean fiction with Christian values and morals - we’re always willing to read it and give it an in depth review right here on our blog, across our social medias, and in our email list!
What we review
We review adult, mystery, romance, YA, NA, and children’s fiction, as well as many other themes and styles. Our audience enjoys consuming many different genres and categories, so publicizing your novel with us can help you reach a much wider group of people!
Who we review
We are on the lookout for new authors with new stories on the shelf that fit our criteria. We ourselves are new writers looking to add to the pile of clean fiction out there with our stories, and we want to encourage those of you who have the same desire.
But we don’t just review new books. Established authors and books are welcome as well! There are always new parents, adults, and young people entering the market for clean Christian fiction, who have never heard of your story.
This is yet another opportunity to get your book in front of new eyes!
How we review
So how do you know if your book is going to be a good fit with us?
Not everyone is going to agree on what should be, or what shouldn't be in a book. Everyone's standards, beliefs, and opinions vary.
But Rinn and I have come up with a standard by which we will "judge" our books, based on guidelines we believe are Biblical, Christian, and Moral, and based upon what we believe the majority of our audience is looking for.
In an ideal world we would want to give every book a stellar review but we know that isn't realistic. There are going to be some books we will reject because of content we can't condone.
But that is not to scare you away! We aren't over here holding bats over our heads ready to smash your book to bits! We have laid out those guidelines so you can decide for yourself if you think you're book is a good fit for Tables of the Heart.
If you want to be clear on what those guidelines are, take a look at our earlier posts - “How We Review Books at Tables of the Heart” and “Books Reviews - Our Mindset." They go into detail on this subject, so be sure to check those out!
And if you have questions, feel free to visit our contact page and message us with any questions or concerns you might have!
So here is the next question you may ask:
"What does this cost me?"
Nothing but a copy of your finished book and the cost of shipping! We provide the mailing address for you to send it to, and after that, the rest is up to us!
Your book will receive an in-depth read, and a professional copy image. We will write a blog post with our "Tables of the Heart review system", and then share the image and review of your book across our blog, email list, and social media platforms, being sure to tag you as the author!
PLEASE NOTE: We do accept e-reader/kindle editions. However we would also require an electronic copy image of your book's cover so we could properly review it.
Author Spotlights
Alongside book review posts, our blog hosts author spotlights.
Sometimes, there are books we pick up that totally "wow!" us. And we feel that the book deserves more than a "Tables of the Heart Review."
If you submit your book for a review, you might just hear from us requesting a personal piece on you and all your works!
Each author spotlight will get a blog post with a feature about them and their work, a link to their website/blog, and where their book/s can be purchased.
And finally, their book will earn a place in Book Spotlight.
Book Spotlight
A Book Spotlight is a feature image and title that will be posted to the front page our blog for the month along with 2 other spotlight books. On social media, it will be added to the top 3 books of the month Highlight, Post, Reel, and Stories. And in our email list, it will go out to our subscribers in the "Top three of the month" email.
We go over the books we have reviewed that month and choose our favorite two. The Author Spotlight of the month then gets the third spot.
Oh! And lastly before we forget to mention it:
Upcoming and New Release Features
We also provide short features of new books coming out for our previous spotlight authors!
Once we've found the good ones, we don't want to miss the rest that is coming from that author! Your feature will go across the blog, social media, and our email list!
Our mission is to help authors reach like minded readers, and readers to find like minded authors.
If you feel you would benefit from us reviewing your book and publicizing it on our website, please feel free to contact us, via our application page! We’d love to work with you!
And if you are a person who loves reading, be sure to follow along, because we love to bring you the newest, greatest books out there! Join our email list to receive news and updates!