Dreams of Savannah- Book Review
Updated: May 6, 2023
Reviewed by: Selah Rose
Author: Roseanna M. White
Our Recommended Age Readability: 18+

Book Summary - Dreams of Savannah
"Cordelia Owens can weave a hopeful dream around anything and is well used to winning the hearts of everyone in Savannah with her whimsy. Even when she receives word that her sweetheart has been lost during a raid on a Yankee vessel, she clings to hope and comes up with many a romantic tale of his eventual homecoming to reassure his mother and sister.
But Phineas Dunn finds nothing redemptive in the first horrors of war. Struggling for months to make it home alive, he returns to Savannah injured and cynical, and all too sure that he is not the hero Cordelia seems determined to make him.
Matters of black and white don't seem so simple anymore to Phin, and despite her best efforts, Delia's smiles can't erase all the complications in his life. And when Fort Pulaski falls and the future wavers, they both must decide where the dreams of a new America will take them, and if they will go together."
My Review
Dreams of Savannah is an adult, historical fiction set in the American Civil War. The author has a great understanding of the history and events that surround her story. My personal favorite character is Luther, who I connected to instantly! His story and his internal struggles are very real and relatable.
Written from a Christian world view, the story itself is very clean, without delving into graphic details. There are some characters who clearly do not have godly desires, but this is handled in a well written way.
Christian themes are portrayed without, and the whole story focuses strongly on the message of patience and waiting on the Lord.
There are some very touching scenes where characters learn to depend on God regardless of their situations.
The romance is portrayed in a clean fashion. Although, the romance between characters is done before marriage and even before engagement, which some readers may find disturbing.
In my personal view, I found the fathers past a little troubling, especially how it was brushed over very briefly, when he was discovered. I felt such a horrific deed should have been frowned upon more heavily, instead of largely ignored, by both the characters and the author.
This may be to some readers preference, but I was hoping for a more distinct reaction when the big reveal happened. Instead, I realized the the characters hardly seemed to care much at all.
Overall this is a good book, written with keen historical knowledge. If Historical Christian Romance is your genre, this is a worthy read.
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