Mom's Hang Out - A Place for Ambitious Stay At Home Moms.

Welcome to all you Ambitious Stay at Home Moms! We are so glad you decided to join us here! There is so much to talk about! So many different topics that us mothers have in common.
"But what is this section of the blog all about? Why are mom's hanging out here?"
Well, let us ask you a few questions first. And by the end of it, we think you'll have your answer!
1. Are you a Christian, stay at home mama, persistently looking to grow spiritually and find some inspiration and encouragement, and even challenge?
2. Are you one of those moms who has a fire to explore SO MANY topics related to being industrious at home? Saving money, starting a home business, homeschooling your kids, writing a book, finding family activities, and resources for the kids?
3. Are you creative? A woman with many hobbies? Are you looking to branch out with that and do something with your talent?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this section of the blog is for YOU!
Rose and I are all of these things! We juggle many hats, and yet endeavor to do more! We can't help it! Sure, sometimes we hit burnout, as do all of us. But we endeavor to find the balance between our creativity, and the priority of faith and family.
So grab your tea, (or coffee if you need that extra boost of energy) and lets get into this!

Inspiration, and encouragement for the Christian mama
Us mothers are constantly asked to pour out. We sacrifice a lot, and give much if we are following Christ daily in picking up our cross and following Him. We follow His example.
What we do, we do for others first.
But even Jesus told Martha, that from time to time, we need to sit at Jesus' feet and listen. Refill our cups. You can't keep pouring out for others if you don't take the time to refill and refresh with the Lord.
So we desire to share things that will inspire, encourage, and challenge you. Things that we have learned from the Lord personally, that we believe will help give you a little push forward.
The things that encourage, and inspire, and challenge us, we want to share with you.
And we would LOVE to hear from you too! After all, our cups also need to be refilled from time to time too.

For the Industrious, Stay at Home Mama
We've already established how busy you are, and how you want to be efficient with your time and efforts, to make MORE time for the things you desire to do. Rose and I are in the same boat. We are going to share all of our experiences, challenges, and victories relating to all things for the ambitious stay at home mom!
Setting our priorities, organizing our schedules, exploring different ways of making side income, and finding resources and wholesome family activities, are all things we are interested in!
And if you are interested in those things as well, hang out here for all that content!
We will say it again: We don't want this to be a one sided conversation. Share with us your experiences; your tips and tricks of being that Ambitious Stay At Home Mom!

For the Hobbyist
When all the kids are in bed for the night, what is the first thing you get excited to do? Do you stay up late doing just that? Or even get up in the wee hours of the morning just to have time to do that thing?
Yup. You're crazy like us!
We are here to encourage you in your creativity. To pursue it, and make the time for it while still fulfilling your God given duty as a wife, mother, and homemaker.
But maybe its also time take it a step further.
Have you ever wondered if there was a way you could make this hobby of yours a blessing to others? Have you ever asked God if there was a way you could use this talent to serve Him? To give Him your proverbial "loaves and fishes" to use as He see's fit?
We will not presume on God's will for your life. But if you feel a desire to step out and try something, we want to encourage you to follow God in His plan for you. If He has given you an ability, we don't believe its meant to just sit dormant and bear no fruit.
Sometimes it requires an act of faith. To step out into the unknown and see what God will do with what you offer.
So many are afraid of failure. Of making the mistake. Of disappointing God somehow.
But if you sit here afraid, you may never find out what God could have done with you.
A simple quote sums up what we are trying to say:
"It is a safe thing to trust Him to fulfill the desire which He creates." - Amy Carmichael
Pray about it. Step out in faith. Trust Him to guide your steps and don't rush out ahead of Him. He is the Good Shepherd, guiding us away from what is not for us, and leading us to what is for us. Rose and I are on this same journey right now!
And we would love to walk along with you in your journey! Who knows what God will do with our loaves and fishes!
And that is what this hang out is for! To encourage all you Ambitious Stay at Home Moms and walk along with you!
If you happen to be a homeschool mama, you will find that our other category, Everything Homeschool, will be a great companion to this one! So check it out!
So talk to us!
What is your dream? Your ambition? Your struggle? Your hobby? What encouragement have you found in your day to day walk? We want to hear from YOU!